Quality/Technical Data > Claim Policy

Claim Policy

End-User Complaints to Almetals

  1. Timeliness
    1. Non-oxidation claims on material shipped over fifteen (15) days are the buyer’s responsibility. Almetals will not accept any claim shipped over fifteen (15) days.
    2. When metal is shipped with polyfilm in coil form, Almetals will only accept claims in coil form with the following exception:
      1. i. Almetals will only accept claims of blanks or parts in cases where samples of defect are provided and the manufacturer of the polyfilm agrees that the film is defective after inspection of samples, and the manufacturer of polyfilm agrees to reimburse for the material and labor.
    3. Oxidation claims, (water stain claims on unprotected material), will be reviewed if notified within fifteen (15) days of ship date. Almetals will not accept any oxidation claims shipped over fifteen (15) days. Further restrictions on oxidation claims are listed later in this document in Section IX.
  2. Materials and Charges
    • Materials claimed will only be accepted in coil form (or sheet form when sold as sheet), and not in part form, or having gone through any processes.
    • Debits will only be issued for the material cost (no incidental, consequential or exemplary fees) less scrap value in cases where a claim has been accepted by Almetals and agreed to be scrapped out at the customer's facility.  Almetals does NOT accept any charges, other than Almetals invoiced cost of material.
  3. Notification to Almetals
    Almetals must be notified in writing, sent via U.S. Postal Service or email for any claim as soon as possible, so that Almetals can start the review process, and make sure all material necessary can be contained. The notification should be sent to the Quality Control Department or to a Customer Service Representative.

    This may be mailed to:
    Almetals, Inc.
    51035 Grand River
    Wixom, MI 48393
    Telephone: 248.348.7722
    Fax: 248.348.7627
    E-mail: quality@almetals.com
  4. Information Required
    The initial notification to Almetals must indicate the Almetals Lot Identification Sticker Numbers. These stickers are located on both the I.D. and O.D. of each slit coil that leaves our facility. Other information that helps to expedite an Almetals internal investigation include: the Case Ticket Number of the skid.

    There should also be a succinct, clear description of the material in terms of product, gauge, width, number of cuts, and shipped weight, as well as weight of rejected material.

    Lastly, a clear description of the defect is necessary.
  5. Sample
    A sample of material, or other evidence, clearly showing the defect is required. The sample can be sent by FedEx, UPS, or U.S. Mail via trackable method.
  6. Issuance of Disposition
    Upon inspection of all documentation, as well as the sample of the defect, Almetals will issue a written disposition. The response will be sent out within three days of receiving all of the required information detailed in Section III, and the sample detailed in Section IV.
    1. Acceptance of Claim/Return
      Almetals will issue a RMR (Return Material Release). This document will state what material type, gauge, width, and weight being returned. It will have a specific RMR number at the top that must be referenced on any return documentation. It will also detail how the material is to be returned: our truck, customer drop-off, a specific freight carrier, etc.
      Any material returned to Almetals prior to this RMR being authorized and issued will be denied entrance and returned to the end-user at their expense.
    2. Acceptance of Claim/Scrap
      Almetals will issue a RMR (Return Material Release). This document will state what material type, gauge, width, and weight are to be scrapped. It will have a specific RMR number at the top that must be referenced on any Debit paperwork. It will also state, “Material to be scrapped at end-user, please issue agreed upon scrap credit” in the Freight section of the RMR.
      Any material returned to Almetals prior to this RMR being authorized and issued will be denied entrance and returned to the end-user at their expense.
    3. Denial of Claim
      Almetals will issue correspondence with explanation of denial.
    4. Request for Further Information
      Almetals will issue a correspondence requesting further information, detailing what the exact problems we are having with issuing a disposition.
  7. Corrective Action Request
    Almetals issues Corrective Action in a standard Sideways 8D format. If this is unacceptable, the end-user must notify Almetals of such in writing, not just send in their own form. End-user forms will not be filled in unless Almetals has been notified in writing that the 8D is not sufficient. This notification in writing can be sent to Almetals in the same manner as the original claim explained in Section II.
  8. Limitations of Liability
    Please see Almetals Order Acknowledgment and Invoice for Terms and Conditions.
  9. Additional Comments
    Almetals policy is to issue disposition in an expedient manner on all claims. To do so, we need to have our Claim Policy followed.
    Credit on all accepted claims is issued upon receipt of the material, or receipt of the Scrap Credit on all issues where the disposition was Scrap Out.
  10. Oxidation Claims
    No condensation or water stain claims will be honored on metal shipped “Collect”.
    In cases of wet packages, very cold packages of aluminum, or distortion of Almetals Water Stain Sticker delivered on Pre-paid shipments:
    No condensation or water stain claims will be honored if Almetals Water Stain Sticker is not attached or if distorted, and not noted upon receipt of material.

    The Almetals Water Stain Sticker is placed on the outside of the package. It has a large black dot in the center that will run due to any moisture contact with it. We utilize this to determine if moisture has come in contact with the package after the material left our building. 
    1. It must be noted on “Receiving” paperwork at time of receipt of material and immediately forwarded to Almetals.
    2. Wipe-off excess moisture from the outside of packaging.
    3. Do not open packaging until metal has warmed to room temperature.